If anyone had tabled it as a fundraiser two years ago, the idea would have been pushed into the too hard basket due to severe drought conditions. Now the country is trying to deal with Covid, but members of Manilla Evening CWA Branch are keen to brighten the spirits of locals by staging its Display of Flowers In Bloom this Saturday.
The colourful display was the brainchild of members at the recent Evening Branch meeting held at the local RSL Club, and will take place from 11am to 3pm at the Uniting Church Hall.
The display isn’t aimed at green thumbed gardeners only, amateurs and childrens’ creations will also be welcomed with open arms. No display fee will be charged and there will be no judging, but a gold coin donation will be requested from both exhibitors and visitors with monies raised going to the Evening Branch’s various community projects. These include local schools’ end of year awards and the 2022 Manilla Show.
Maximum vase/bottle size is to be 20cm tall (8 inches) should have exhibitors’ name taped on the bottom of the container. Entries may be delivered to the Uniting Church Hall between 9am and 10am Saturday, and collected by 3pm. Entries not collected will be placed on the steps of the hall. Public display will open at 11am and run through to 3pm. Covid rules will apply – masks to be worn, Covid sign-in and social distancing to be adhered to. No food or drinks will be served though, making it easier for organisers to observe the necessary Covid rulings.
The display schedule includes a cut spring flower, a vase of spring flowers, a cut of any flowering shrub, a cut of any native flowering shrub, a cut each of three distinct roses, a stem of iris in bloom, a cut succulent flower, a cut of colourful succulent, a stem of coloured geranium foliage, and three distinct fern fronds. And for the children, exhibits can comprise a decorated floral saucer, novelty container of flowers (e.g. an old boot), and a people spoon (a wooden or plastic picnic spoon decorated with texta to resemble a person).
A trade table will also be operational with a variety of plants, trees and other items on offer for sale.
Several other items were discussed at the recent meeting. These included the ongoing sale of face masks – the meeting thanking Amanda’s Hair Design and Manilla Motel for their efforts in selling them. The proposed trivia night set down for this month at the RSL has been transferred to March next year due to Covid. Next year marks the Centenary of CWA of NSW, so branch members were encouraged to think of ways of celebrating that locally. And the branch’s AGM has been set down for the earlier date of October 14 at the RSL. Members are reminded memberships ($43) are due on the night, and a fun interactive evening of culture and games is being planned. Namoi Group CWA AGM will be held at Emerald Hill on October 21. By Vinnie Todd