A display of flowers is the Manilla Evening CWA’s way of sharing the present beauty of many gardens in town. Spring is a lovely season to be outside and get together as a community. Join in by adding some of the beauty from your garden using the schedule below.
1 1 cut spring flower
2 A vase of spring flowers
3 1 cut any flowering shrub
4 1 cut any native flowering shrub
5 1 cut each of 3 distinctroses
6 1cut of a significant rose
7 1 stem of iris in bloom
8 1 cut succulent flower
9 1 cutof colourful succulent
10 1 stem of colouredgeranium foliage
11 3 distinct fern fronds
1 Decorated floral saucer
2 Novelty container of flowers – e.g. old boot
3 People Spoon – i.e. a wooden or plastic picnic spoon decorated by texta to look like a person
Entry conditions –
1 Cost – a gold coin donation per exhibitor or visitor. Funds raised go to Manilla Evening CWA community projects.
2 No display entry fee. There will be NO judging.
3 Maximum vase/bottle size 8 inches/20 cm tall.
4 All entries tobe in a bottle or container with exhibitor’s name taped under the base.
5 All entries to be delivered to the Uniting Church Hall between 9 and 10 a.m. on Saturday, 9th October, and to be collected at 3 p.m.Entries not collected will be placed out on the front steps of the hall.
6 Display will be open to public for viewing from 11.00 to 3.00 a.m.
7 Covid rules will be observed – mask to be worn, covid sign-in, social distancing.
Trade Table with a variety of plants, trees and other items for sale.
Enquiries to – Bette Langton (0428658132), Marian Draine (0488186739), Faye Heywood (67857325).