By Vinnie Todd
Brittany McVicar has already made her mark on the rodeo scene as a competent barrel racer, but due to her passion for, and knowledge of everything equine, the Attunga horsewoman is also making quite a name for herself as a proficient photographer.
“My main focus is equine because of my love for horses. I’ve been obsessed with them all my life,” said the Seed Production Agronomist, whose latest claim to fame in the saddle was partnering Seductive Acres to victory in the feature Futurity of the Australian Barrel Horse Association’s National Finals at AELEC in Tamworth.
“I’ve always been interested in being creative and loved art and photography at school. I love taking action photos, and wanted to make that a side hobby at events I was competing at. So I purchased a good camera, and it’s paid off. The more work I do, the more exposure I seem to get.”
Last year Britt won a calendar competition through her place of employment – that no doubt triggering her into producing a very successful 2021 calendar, which was a sell-out.
“I had a lot of images I was fond of so decided to put them into a calendar. I’ve had plenty of feedback from people who are return customers and have already ordered this year’s calendar. They’re affordable too,” Britt said.
Apart from her equine-based photos, which can include set-up shoots of the horse, horse and rider, or portrait shots, Brittany can also offer family or animal sessions.
“A lot of thought goes into taking a good photo. It’s not just matter of point and shoot. And I’ve done a lot of research and probably invested more than I really wanted to for a good camera,” she joked.
“I’ve only done shoots locally at the moment, but have had interests from further afield.”
Britt’s first order of 2022 calendars are already sold out, but she’s already placed another order for the Christmas shopper. Anyone wishing to purchase that special Christmas gift, or just something eye-catching to hang in the kitchen or office, the calendars cost $35 and can be ordered through Britt on 0474 488462.