Namoi Group CWA held its 94th Group Conference at Curlewis recently with members travelling from as far as Gwydir and Castlereagh Country groups to attend. Members were pleased to catch up with State President, Mrs. Joy Beames, from Dunedoo who addressed the Conference and declared the Conference officially open. Mrs. Beames spoke of her many visits to Parliament House providing valuable feedback to numerous Ministers on issues which are close to Members hearts.
Life Membership was presented to the following ladies for years of service to the Association by the State President.Mesdames Margaret Rose and Helen Cudmore from Blackville branch, Mesdames Hillary Budden and Denise Scott from Curlewis branch, Mesdames Marilyn Fogg and Leah Weatherington from QUIRINDI Branch.
The State President and Group Patron. Mrs. Dorris Budden of Manilla were given the honour of Cutting of the Centenary Cake. Mrs Budden was celebrating 70 years membership of CWA of NSW.
Winners of Trophies were as follows.
Best Branch Report First Tambar Springs.second Emerald Hill third QUIRINDI
Most New Members Manilla Evening.
Best Attendance for branches with above 15 members Manilla Sundowners.
Best attendance. Branches with less than 15 members. Curlewis and Manilla Evening.
Agriculture Environment Report.Willala
International Report Manilla. .
Culture Report. Willala branch
Handicraft Report QUIRINDI Branch
There were 3 high school students awarded Educational Grants courtesy of Ag Quip support total value $1500.
The next Conference will be held at Tambar Springs on October 19, 2023.
The Incoming Executive for the year ahead is Group President Mrs. Rhonda McPherson, Bellata, Mrs. Helen Strang Executive Representative, Mrs. Melanie McHugh Group Secretary and Group Treasurer Mrs Trish Heffernan of Werris Creek.
Mrs. Colleen Wills Group Publicity Officer phone 67461326