In an effort to lighten the burden of our current pandemic and add a little colour and cheer to local residents, Manilla Evening CWA Branch held a very successful non-competitive Display of Flowers in Bloom last Saturday.
Word of the fundraising display being held by the Evening Branch (which has its AGM set down for 7.30pm tomorrow at the RSL) sent local green thumbers into overdrive where, donned with trusty secateurs, raided their Spring gardens of everything from rose and iris cuttings through to samples of native and succulent varieties.
Along with the impressive display of horticulture inside the Manilla Methodist Church Hall, members also had a trading table set up outside the building. It boasted items ranging from potted plants, cuttings and fruit/vegetable offerings to a variety of handicrafts.
And the children of Manilla weren’t forgotten in the display – which was run under the required Covid masking-up, QR coding in, sanitizing and social distancing rules. They had their own little section where each could create a decorated floral saucer, a novelty container of flowers or even painted faces on wooden or plastic spoons.
Due to its success, the flower display could become an annual event, according to Branch president Bette Langton.
“It was very successful. We had a beautiful display of flowers – very well presented. And we received a lot of comments from the public, including ‘we hope you hold it again next year’,” Bette said.
“And we only had a few items left on the trading table. The day though wouldn’t have been the success it was if we didn’t have the backing of the public. They were great in coming out to support us.”
Branch members also noticed many people stopping to thumb through books in the Street Library – two old refrigerators full of second-hand books set up by the Branch outside the church hall where members of the public can borrow/swap books for free. By Vinnie Todd