Residents, farmers and freight operators who travel Rangari Road are in for welcome holiday news after Transport for NSW spent the final weeks of 2022 getting ready for early works to begin on the 9th of January.
Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson said the NSW Liberal and Nationals Government is getting on with the job of delivering what matters to the community.
“In July, I announced our Government would take over the management of this project to ensure that we could seal Rangari Road as soon as possible,” Mr Anderson said.
“Since that time, I have been working closely with the Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Sam Farraway to bring forward a significant amount of work so that we can get on with the job of sealing the road.
“More than 250 cars and trucks travel along this unsealed road daily and we have heard the message loud and clear from those who have been frustrated by the potholes and the gravel.
“I am excited to announce that early works will commence from Monday January 9 with the contractor Maas Group Holdings starting vegetation clearing and drainage improvements before moving onto major works from Monday January 23.
“Months of wet weather have created a mountain of work for road crews across the state so I am thankful that we will be able to get work underway so soon.”
Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Sam Farraway said sealing and upgrading Rangari Road would make the trip between Manilla and Boggabri easier for locals, visitors and freight.
“We’re getting this project rolling, the local member has been banging on my door to get this project delivered,” Mr Farraway said.
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