The Barraba P A & H Committee met on Thursday 26 November. After some discussion, it was decided that we will try to run a modified annual Barraba Show from Friday 5 March to Sunday 7 March 2021,provided there are no future restrictions due to Covid outbreaks. There will be no charges to visit the Show; gate entry is FREE. Show Secretary Julie Williams is now preparing a Covid plan. This plan has to meet Tamworth Regional Council and Department of Health guidelines about social distancing, hygiene, and recording of all present in the Showground. This will mean major changes from the way the Barraba Show has traditionally run.
We will try to run most competitions and displays; the traditional cattle, sheep and wool, poultry, and horse events. Pavilion competitions and displays will hopefully run similarly as they have done at past Shows ñ this yearís pavilion theme is ëBeesí.We are trying to work out how we can provide the things on Show Day that families have always enjoyed. Competition Schedules will be on the Barraba Show website as per previous years, with limited numbers of printed Pavilion Schedules available.
The first major change will be when you arrive at the Showground Gates. There will be no charges this year, BUT the details (name and contact number) of everyone entering the Showground MUST be recorded every time you come in. The Show will have a QR code (as cafes and hotels have) which you register with your mobile phone; arrangements will be made to record those who do not have a phone. Faced with so many restrictions, the committee had to make some hard decisions:
There will be no gate fees;
the Barraba Show campdraft will be held the weekend before the Show ñ that is Thursday 25 February to Sunday 28 February 2021;
there will be NO Rodeo on Friday or Saturday evening;
there will be no bar serving alcohol;
the numbers in pavilions, grandstands, etc at any one time will be restricted to one person per four square metres.
Hereís hoping Covid rules into 2021 will be eased, not tightened up. Further enquiries, contact Show Secretary Julie Williams phone 0447 222 347 or email: barrabapah@hotmail.