This year’s Manilla 2023 Australia Day Awards and Concert will be held at the Showground Wednesday 25th January, Australia Day Eve with the Award ceremony commencing at 6pm with Australia Day Ambassador Suzanne Hopman CEO of Dignity Ltd with a free concert to follow from 7 pm to 10 pm.
Come along and lend your support to our Australia Day Citizen nominees : Victoria Deane, Jim Maxwell, Lynn Wright. Young Achiever of the Year nominee Rosie Ferguson. Young Citizen of the Year nominees – Ellie Jarman and Albert Griffiths. Event of the Year nominees: Manilla Men’s Shed Open Day, The Australian Light Horse Association Beersheba Day, Northern School Steer Show.
Rob Breese will be entertaining from 5.30pm and will also sing the National Anthem.
A concert will follow with entertainment from Sally Anne Whitten and Rumour Mill, Al Buchan and the Buccaneers.
Entries to our Damper Competition which will be judged on the night need to be entered by 5.45pm.
The stage will be set up in the ring facing the grandstands for seating or you may like to bring your own chair or picnic rug to sit on.
You can bring along your own picnic hamper or perhaps you’d like to support one of the local businesses. Food will be available on the night with ordered Pizza’s from Krankies Pizza Bar being delivered every half hour to the showground from 6pm with special offer10 % off all orders as well as a free garlic bread for orders over $60 facbook page Krankies Pizza Bar phone 0475463450. Warm Discussion will have a variety of hot and cold food available from the canteen operating on the ground and will also be taking preorders for cheese boards phone 0488699176. A full menu is available on Warm Discussions Facebook page. The Manilla Matters Committee will have cold drinks available for sale. Free snow cones will also be on offer. In the event of rain everything will go ahead with the only change being to the venue which will be the Town Hall.